What Mother means to us: The Act Of Kindness Mother’s Day Award
Mother’s Day is Sunday March 27th and it’s a very special day for lots of us, so we are delighted to announce a competition to find the winner of the first Rhona McCallum Act Of Kindness Award.
For those of us who are lucky enough to still have our Mum with us, it’s a day to celebrate everything she has done throughout the years, Mother is always the glue that holds a family together. It’s the day when grown men and women give their mum the biggest ‘child like’ cuddle they can, and that is a gift every mum treasures.
For those of us who no longer have our mum, it’ s a day to reflect on all the wonderful memories we have of being with her, however many years we have had without mum by our sides, her presence is always with us.
For all of us who are mums, it’s a day when our children shower us with lovely gifts as a way of saying thank you for everything, even though we don’t really need gifts to know that we are appreciated. But we do secretly enjoy the day that is dedicated to mothers, and we do appreciate the effort you go to finding something ‘just for mum’.
And for some it’s a day to reflect on the fact that they never knew their birth mother, but have a wonderful step-mum or aunt, or close friend who assumed all motherly duties.
Mother’s Day is for anyone who helped us through our formative years, saw us through our troubled teens, was there to comfort us as we went through relationship woes, became the best grandma anyone could have wished for, and much much more.
Mothers deserve to be pampered every day, but on Mothering Sunday, here at Rhona McCallum Hair we believe they should be given an extra special treat as a way of saying thank you for each and every day, and for everything they have ever done for us.
So here at Rhona McCallum Hair we have a very special award that one lucky ‘Mum’ will win.
The Rhona McCallum ‘Act Of Kindness Award’ will be awarded to one lucky winner who has pushed the boundaries of care to a new level, be it helping lonely neighbours, supporting local charities, raising funds for good causes, or just for going that extra mile or two to look after family.
The winner will receive a Wella colour, luxury hair treatment, cut and blow-dry and ghd finish with our graduate stylist, valued at £150.
All you have to do is nominate your chosen recipient and tell us in no more than 30 words why you believe they deserve to win this fabulous award and prize.
You can share your vote on our social pages:
Instagram CLICK HERE
via email https://bit.ly/3I7eurP
or if you prefer you can write a note and drop it into the salon.
Deadline for nominations is March 20th and winner will be announced on Mother’s day weekend, 26th/27thMarch.
No cash alternative.
Winner will be chosen by an independent adjudicator.
Winner must agree to be featured on our social media pages.
No correspondence will be entered into.
If the winner does not claim their award with 14 days we reserve the right to cancel and award to the runner up.