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Rhona McCallum Hair

Here come the curls

Here at Rhona McCallum Hair we love curls and waves, natural and permed. Both types of hair require specific care to help maintain the shape and form of the curls and waves, that’s why we carry professional products designed specifically for looking after your hair at home.

Here’s some facts, and myths about natural curls and waves.

FACT: On average a head of hair has 120,000 hairs, but people with curly or wavy hair tend to have 100,000.

FACT: People with curly hair can have several different types of curl and wave all at the same time!

FACT: Curly / Wavy hair grows approximately 6” a year, but dependent on the intensity of the curl or wave this can look a lot less.

FACT: In a dry state (after shampooing, conditioning, and styling, wavy hair can shrink up to 5 percent, curly hair up to 30 percent, and tight coiled hair by up to 75 percent of true length.

FACT: Curly hair isn’t actually curl shaped, it’s more like an ‘S’ in its form. It’s the irregular bends and twists that give the appearance of curls.

FACT: Split ends and breakage tends to be more noticeable in curls and waves, that’s why it’s important to get regular trims to keep your luscious locks looking their best. 

FACT: Hormonal changes affect the shape of natural curls and waves, as hair becomes demoisturised it can look frizzy and coarse.

MYTH: Regular shampooing dries out curly and wavy hair. 

FACT: When the hair and scalp are clean the production of natural oils helps keep curls and waves more defined.

MYTH: Normal shampoo and conditioner work exactly the same on curls and waves.

FACT: Shampoo, Conditioner, Treatments, Styling and Finishing products for curls and waves contain specific ingredients to balance out the moisture and protein needed for strong, healthy defined locks.

MYTH: Brushing curls and waves can straighten them out.

FACT: Extreme brushing can cause serious damage to curls and waves. If you are wanting to brush your hair before blow drying it smooth, wavy, or curly, always do it when the hair is damp.

Permed hair:

This is where we create curls and waves and the team are seeing a resurgence in popularity at the moment. the versatility of perms means we can create spiral curls, soft waves and, of course, the ever popular ‘boy perm’.

Speak to your Rhona McCallum Hair stylist about the  best hair care products for your specific needs, natural curls and waves or permed, and how best to look after the styling of your curls and waves at home.

#WeLoveCurls #WeLoveWaves #PermExperts #CurlsAndWaves

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